Saturday, April 30, 2011

how to create windows service and how to create windows service setup and deployment

This post will explain following questions

1)How to Create windows service

2)How to create Windows Service installation using Msi

How to Create windows service

Step 1:(Create Windows Service Project Using Visual Studio)

File-->New-->Project-->Visual C#(Visual basic)-->Windows-->Windows Service-->Ok

step 2: select service1.cs and View Code

protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
//Here we can Write code what we need to on while service Started.

EventLog.WriteEntry("service created");

protected override void OnStop()
//Here we can Write code what we need to on while service stopping.

EventLog.WriteEntry("service created");

step 3: (need to add service installer)
Select the service1.cs design view and right click the designer view
then select add installer.

Project installer file will create automatically

sample screen:

step 4 : Project installer --->select service installer1 tool--->properties-->
update following fields
1) starttype == Automatic
2)description , display Name ect... for service related information
fields you can add

step 5 : Project installer --->select serviceprocessinstaller1-->properties
Account-->Local system(it won't ask user name password,if you select user then we need to pass user name like domainname\username, password)

step 6:select project -->properties -->application-->startup object-->select your project program file

step 7:build and release the file

using installutil.exe we can test windows service,it will be located dot net framework 2.0 folder.

using command prompt installing windows service

installutil C:\servicetest.exe

using command prompt Uninstalling windows service

installutil /u C:\servicetest.exe

Your service Created,now how we can create setup and deployment file

step 1:
create new setup and deployment project
select setup and deployment project-->right click-->add-->project output-->primary output--Ok

step 2:
select project-->right click-->view-->Custom actions-->

select custom actions-->right click-->Application folder-->
primary output from servicename(Active)-->ok

step 3:
Build and test setup file.

happy coding...

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