Thursday, March 24, 2011

C# how to call Javascript

If You are using ajax(script manger) you can write the following code

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.Page.GetType(), "Facility", "alert('Select any Facility');", true);

Grid view eval value pass to JavaScript arguments

Following sample Code will help how to pass JavaScript arguments

Sample Code

function showPropertiesPage(databound)


Aspx Code

Thursday, March 17, 2011

using Visual studio how to create setup file (dot net Framework offline install)

Following steps will explain about how to create setup files in visual studio (how to add offline dot net Framework)

1)Add new Project (other project types-->setup and Deployment-->setup project)

2)select setup and Deployment project (Right Click--> add-->project output)

3) select--> Primary out put-->Ok

4)following Image will show project detected dependencies(dot net framework will be online install,if you want to give an application client online means ,above steps ok,you can build the application can give the exe,if some clients want offline install means following more steps required.

5)select setup and Deployment project-->properties-->prerequisites...->select .net Framework 3.5-->select -->download prerequisites from same location as my application-->ok

6)offline Framework exe you can get your visual studio cd.

happy coding...